Apfelbaum Industrial, Inc. offers a complete range of products and systems for any industry. As an Apfelbaum client/partner you can rely on a comprehensive portfolio of products tailored to your needs. We provide the services from the construction, commissioning and Manufacturing. We believe in listening to our customers to discover their real needs, and meeting those needs with quality products, timely, accurate and efficient services and bottom-line savings. Efficient, well thought-out SYSTEMS help insure that good performance to meet your expectations. We’ be developed highly sophisticated systems and utilize the latest technologies, to effectively deal with the complex and expanding needs of our customer’ s state-of the art service and maximize the value to them. Solid systems and built on a powerful philosophy, can only work if the PEOPLE using these systems are of the highest caliber, and committed to SERVICE EXCELLENCE. We focus our efforts on the utility, telephone, oil and industrial companies, with such focus that our service
will keep its fundamental characteristics of personalized attention with quality and opportunity. We keep permanent contact with the manufacturers in order to be up to date on technology application, which might be of use to our buyers; at the same time we try to strengthen our relationship with the end users job sites to know their point of view and their inquiries on the performance of the equipment.
Apfelbaum Commitment to Customer Satisfaction is at the center of all training and is demonstrated in our performance, We don’t just sell products, we work to understand our client problems and needs and we do all we can to provide the solution to help them reach their goals. We have Branch companies in Mexico, Venezuela, Dominican Republic and sales representatives in many other countries. We have 4 divisions: Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Green Power and Industrial.